1930 Norton CS1 TT, the very best kind of family heirloom. Marcel Schoen inherited it from his uncle who was a bit of a Norton nut and had purchased the bike in 1959 from someone who was using it a daily commuter. Lots more details and some nice older photos. Note that current owner is a silversmith and there’s a Norton Manx model executed in sterling at the bottom of the post.
The man who sits next to me at breakfast wants to make one of these for himself. Anyone caught aiding and abetting this insanity will be… um, scolded.
You knew it was just a matter of time. Cops on silent bikes…
I love string, and yarn, and thread, and wire, and … Except when it gets tangled. No, that’s not true. I love untangling things. Odd but there it is. But I never knew that there were enzymes whose job it is to rush around inside our cells and untangle the strands of DNA. Too cool.
Art, Images, and Design
Photography of abandoned America cities has made the big time news recently. Modern explorers of the urban decay have been filling Flickr with their work. Visual News has a nice set of images with links back to the photostreams of the creators.
Hal Rasmusson will teach you to draw pretty girls. Utterly cute and safe for work.
This is here just so I can find it again later when I need it. Amazing pencil drawing of flowers, leaves, and other plant bits. And, oh, and Jacob Dahlstrup drew a skull.
Moving Image
Very early (1913) stop motion animation. A Christmas play about Father Christmas and the insects — surreal is the best way to describe it. Nicely restored and updated with a soundtrack.