Morning Linkage (Jan 10)


One of the things I love about the back­yard and small shop bike builders is how will­ing they are to share what they’ve done. A ran­dom pic of an orange bike post­ed on a cafe rac­er site brings the pre­vi­ous­ly anony­mous builder out of the wood­work with some CAD draw­ings and build pic­tures and hints of anoth­er bike in the works. (But damn — all that orange.)

A look at the work of Dean Jefferies and his role in the Hollywood car cul­ture of the 60’s. For Mustang lovers, Jefferies has a hand in the phan­tom fleet of ear­ly Shelbys.


I did not know that Brazil pro­duces one-third of the cof­fee on the plan­et. Other inter­est­ing cof­fee facts lurk in this graphic.

Cappuccino Coast is the name that res­i­dents of Cape Town and envi­rons give to the rare phe­nom­e­na that turns the ocean swells into a thick brown­ish sea foam. This set of pic­tures makes the descrip­tion seem entire­ly right.

Art, Images, and Design

Take the dumpy kid and one of the weird birds from UP add a lit­tle St. George, shake well. Chad King gets the mix right in this quick one-off. Quick? That’s a speed paint­ing? Okay so the rest of us suck just a lit­tle more this morning.

His “real” work is smoother and tighter, and pleas­ing­ly puz­zling.

Imaginary Transportation

Fairy tale trans­porta­tion for girls. Inspiration.

Further inspi­ra­tion for fly­ing girls.


Lego live action/stop motion short. The cheesi­est mus­tache ever and a won­der­ful wall of lit­tle doors into oth­er peo­ple’s lives. Giggly fun.

out the door and knock ’em dead
