Morning Linkage (Feb 8)


I’m not a fan of chop­pers — it’s a style I just don’t get. But ZZ Chop is true to his roots and does graph­ics with a dis­tinc­tive chop­per ethos. Great, grungy, retro work.

Making a scram­bler out of an old­er BMW RT is cool. Though I won­der a lit­tle about bash­ing through the woods on any­thing with that kind of width :) The quote from the Cycle Magazine explain­ing the 70’s BWM nomen­cla­ture and the rela­tion­ship between the var­i­ous bikes in the line is priceless.

Planes and bikes. A love­ly lit­tle blue and white piper cub and an equal­ly sweet blue and white Passport. (Yeah it’s just a nice pic. Soothing even.)


Gyrodactylids. Parasitic flat worms liv­ing on fish. Cut paper ani­ma­tion and nest­ing dolls? As always Creature Cast shows you some­thing you would­n’t come across in your dai­ly read­ing of the news. (And pro­vides great exam­ples of ama­teur ani­ma­tion used as a learn­ing tool.)

Art, Images, and Design

Faces in objects, found and enhanced by Flix. Bright mecha-man goodness.

Swoon is an American girl in Paris and she takes us on a night-time ram­ble to install one of her wheat paste posters. Her life-size images of peo­ple stand up well to the back­ground noise of Paris.

Snippets (SFW) of clas­si­cal paint­ings enlarged and past­ed into new but entire­ly appro­pri­ate con­texts. Zilda.  More (some NSFW.)

Large scale, par­tial images, hints of a sto­ry yet untold. Mesa works up some faces on a ruined wall some­where in rur­al Spain.

keep calm and car­ry on
