Morning Linkage (Sep 30)


Probably the largest num­ber of GT2000s you’ll ever see together.

The Southsiders ride Basque coun­try. Excellent pic­to­r­i­al, fab scenery, and a desktop-worthy image of three Commandos.

And a lit­tle wrench­mon­kee love. #24, built for some lucky guy named Mark.


The dire­ness of the need for cof­fee in the morn­ing increas­es with the dis­tance from your home cof­fee pot. Serious Eats pro­vides a list of on-line  resources for find­ing a bet­ter cup of joe than what’s on offer at the break­fast bar in the Holiday Inn. I par­tic­u­lar­ly like Barista Exchange.

The haz­ards of the entre­pre­neur­ial spir­it. Death Buy Lemonade. Chuckling will begin in 3… 2… (ani­ma­tion)

Art, Images, and Design

A round-up of Roman water works. 15 still stand­ing (more or less) aque­ducts in Europe, North Africa and the Middle East.

Rampant con­sumerism gets a design edge. Pantone brand­ed (and col­ored) VISA cards. Must have.

You should prob­a­bly save this one up for nap time. Animalarium does Night Life.  Happy, sleepy crit­ters and the usu­al high standards.

got­ta run… be nice to each oth­er, m’kay?
