Morning Linkage (Oct 8)

Transportation and Photography

1976 Benelli 750 SEI. Pure sex appeal.

Really big rock­et engines… and trains. A Soyuz gets to the launch pad.

Sometimes you just need to know a guy. A guy whose grand­fa­ther raced Italian motor­cy­cles in the 20’s and 30’s. A cache of pho­tos from Alfredo Panella’s grand­son.

Piling moun­tains of things on lit­tle wheeled vehi­cles. Brought to an art form in Shanghai.


Jordan Smith cre­ates the trail­er for Bryan Talbot’s graph­ic nov­el Grandville Mon Amour. (NSFW — ani­mal char­ac­ters engag­ing in noir violence)

Also noir but much more light-hearted, an addict and his poi­son. Key Lime Pie. Another cute Death. Blame Coilhouse, I do.

and… it’s over, see you all next week,
