Morning Linkage (Oct 29)


Tiny bikes on the salt at Bonneville. 61+ mph from 50ccs. Scott Guthrie Racing as it in for the mini-bike crowd. More about Scott Guthrie and his  more con­ven­tion­al LSRs.

Sometimes not fix­ing all of the dam­age is the right way to go. This H‑D tank was cleaned up, giv­en a fin­ish sand­ing, and then waxed. The char­ac­ter shines through.

Art, Images, and Design

Photos that are pret­ty at first glance and then they chal­lenge you to see the ugly, and then the beau­ty, and then anoth­er lay­er of ugly… This set is “The Ways of Salt.” Felix Cid.(NSFW- artis­tic nudity)

28 vin­tage man­ga cov­ers. Like you thought this was a new thing?

Mostly crabs — a few oth­er sea crea­tures with claws. Happy pictures.


Adorable, sense­less gore.“Kill Your Coworkers” has the robots on parade going a lit­tle hay­wire. Barely col­ored frame­works mean that the fly­ing heads are rough cubes and the blood that flows is kin­da like a water fall of Lego. Creator Mike Winkleman has made the C4D files free to the world and eager­ly awaits the twist­ed genius results. (Video 3:04)

Pointless Holiday Picture

I just want to be able to use this pic­ture as the post image for today
Happy Halloween y’all
