Morning Linkage (Oct 26)


Want a lit­tle mys­tery to pon­der today? How about get­ting to the bot­tom of this MV Augusta 60cc Monomoto Superleggera. Tragic Italian opera? Wacky art project? Total BS? Keep looking.

Headline — 60 Years on Jaguar Sexy C‑Type Still Seduces — and here are the pic­tures to prove it. Honestly is there any­thing sex­i­er on 4 wheels?

Start in Philadephia — end up in New Zealand. Plan on about a month of trav­el time. Telastar logis­tics will get you start­ed by point­ing you to Justin Watt’s con­tain­er ship trav­el FAQ and toss in a cou­ple of pics of the journey.


The old River Crossing Puzzle giv­en a new set of char­ac­ters and rules that come from a more mod­ern per­spec­tive. Played with life-size pieces and real world rules.  An inter­ac­tive instal­la­tion by Ahmet Ogut.

Art, Images, and Design

There are a hand­ful of excel­lent pho­tographs in this intro­duc­tion to the Facing Change pho­to­graph­ic project. Based on the founders’ desire to cre­ate a pub­lic col­lec­tion of images that illus­trate our times in the man­ner of the FSA (Farm Security Administration) projects of the 30’s but with­out polit­i­cal ties.

So, is this archi­tec­tures? Sculpture? Collage? Papercraft? Don’t know, don’t care. You must spend time with the images and nar­ra­tive descrip­tion of “The Migration of Mel and Judith” a trav­el­ogue built into a “self-enclosed curl­ing world of the lamp­shade”… which … “adds a won­der­ful­ly anti-perspectival, frilly con­cav­i­ty to the cou­ple’s journey.”

And if Mel and Judith was­n’t enough for you, you can move along and explore Thomas Hillier’s more recent work “The Emperor’s Castle” A vague­ly creepy, organ­i­cal­ly extrav­a­gant, origa­mi inspired pop-up book.

