Morning Linkage (Nov 29)


Pretty girls on bikes. Catherine — who does­n’t get a last name here  but you can look it up — had a Norton Commando and a set of red cus­tom leathers in the 1970’s in Paris. And she wrote for La Moto.

I don’t think you’ll ride it far but this CB350 is so per­fect­ly simple.

Another unrid­able 350. This time a Ducati. But damn, just look at what he did with the exhaust. Ingenious.

The famous red London bus­es get redone for the 21st century.

Art, Images, and Design

Basil Wolverton. The name sounds like he should be the but­ler in one of Bertie Wooster’s aun­t’s house. But no, he’s a the cre­ator of some fine sci-fi illus­tra­tions from the 1930’s. And yes, I did read the Meteor Morgan comics shown here.

Mikela Prevost’s paint and paper illus­tra­tions look most at home in a chil­dren’s book. The sec­ond page of her port­fo­lio opens with a girl look­ing for some­thing in the back of the pantry and con­tin­ues through sev­er­al more cook­ing adventures.

Nightmare sci-fi fairy tales told with big blocks of col­or. Bunnies, dogs, cat heads, squir­rels, and oth­er for­mer­ly cute crea­tures inhab­it a cold spiky land­scape. Talita Hoffman. Brazil.


Alligator, golf ball, deer, alli­ga­tor. That’s it. There’s noth­ing else to ginny+garth’s Pixel Film:Oo (video 0:27)
