Morning Linkage (Nov 24)


If the Lamborghini has been dropped from your new ride shop­ping list due to its fixed roof and slight­ly porky pro­file. You might want to recon­sid­er. The new Gallardo. Lighter. Topless.

The main­te­nance guys’ Cushman Carts were the object of deri­sion, prank­ing, and com­mon theft in col­lege. I guess we weren’t the only ones who secret­ly thought they were cool.

The horse track in Aarhaus Denmark was giv­en over to the sport of motor(cycle) rac­ing in the 1950’s. Included on this Speedway Life page are rac­ing pro­grams, pho­tographs, and race results. The pic­tures and draw­ings of the side­car rac­ing, like the one above, are espe­cial­ly fine. In the orig­i­nal Danish.

Art, Images, and Design

Arrested Motion’s best pho­tos of the ROA show in LA at Thinkspace. The work on accor­dioned reclaimed doors is good.

The Sherlock Holmes sto­ries were not the only thing that A. Conan Doyle wrote. The Arthurian romance “The White Company” was illus­trat­ed by N.C. Wyeth and pub­lished by David McKay in 1922.

Paul Bunyan, Babe the Blue Ox. Shaw Nielsen makes me hap­py by adding a cou­ple of masked birds as well.

A whim­si­cal lit­tle bit of met­al and the most won­der­ful turquoise enam­el ever. The cir­cus ring. (And go read Jonah Leslie’s bio and shop infor­ma­tion — cura­tion of goods in an internet-linked world.)

Animation and Science and Papercraft

Combining live action, paper cos­tumes, and sex. How can you miss? Just to remind you that the first episodes of Sundance Channel’s Seduce Me Season 2 are up. For the moment they are unlink­able on the flash-based SC web­site. Expect links to the indi­vid­ual episodes as they come up on YouTube.

As a teas­er I’m giv­ing you this behind-the-scenes from Season 1. (NSFW unless you are a zoologist.)
