Morning Linkage (Nov 23)


Just in case any of you thinks that this gig is all about spend­ing the day look­ing at pret­ty bikes and enjoy­ing adult bev­er­ages. I’d like to give you a lit­tle look into the prob­lems of shiny hunt­ing. Scott over at Pipeburn shares a hand­ful of pic­tures that he’s been hang­ing onto because he does­n’t have enough info to post them. (And his ace read­ers get the goods for him on two out four — go read­ers!) A Guzzi, 2 BMWs and a Sportster.

I’m unde­cid­ed about this cus­tom bike with a Buell motor. The frame is unique enough to pull in my eye and the exe­cu­tion is top-notch. But hey the motor’s gonna have to be changed. The spud.

Wrong, wrong, wrong. Is that a Tony Kart chassis?

Art, Images, and Design

Yuko got to do a cov­er illo for the NYT Review of Books. The Keith Richards cov­er. Wow.

Etch-a-Sketch, sports fig­ures.  ’nuff said. (Making of videos too.)

30 year-old Jung-Yeon Min paints peo­ple in the every­day world with the sur­re­al land­scape of the human soul on the edge of break­ing through.(NSFW — artis­tic nudes)

Animation and CGI

Is this real­ly all CGI? Reliable sources say it is.

This just makes me hap­py. I hope it makes you hap­py too. Betty Boop does the hula. Bamboo Isle. If you want the full meal deal (with some fab Hawaiian music) and have 8 min­utes you can watch the low-res ver­sion of the com­plete film here. Is Betty SFW?

sled­ding and hot choco­late today?
