Morning Linkage (May 21)


Sweet lit­tle pho­to gallery of cars par­tic­i­pat­ing in a recre­ation of the Mille Miglia. Including the win­ning BMW 328.  Don’t miss the ulti­mate ped­al car.

And here’s a gallery of black & whites from the inau­gur­al MM won by the BMW fea­tured above.

More old stuff. 1915 Indian, 8 valve board­track rac­er. Running and unre­stored. All the mov­ing part­sare  hang­ing out in the open on this fire breath­ing dragon.

Pretty girls and bikes. It’s been going on a long time, as this 1951 por­trait of the win­ner of the  Miss California Motorcycle Beauty Contest show.

Science and Technology

An inter­est­ing muse on the nature of “curat­ed com­put­ing“and why the iPad is rel­e­vant to the future of infor­ma­tion tech­nol­o­gy. Note that I said infor­ma­tion tech­nol­o­gy; the _author_ is call­ing it computing.

More good news. Google will begin allow­ing https con­nec­tions to Encrypted search­ing is now yours.I plan on using it.

Art, Images, and Design

Yeah I know there’s almost no excuse for post­ing some­thing this inane. But come on, pho­to­shopped dogs doing yoga. It just makes you smile.

Absolutely lus­cious travel posters. Advertising steamship lines in Japan at the turn of the (last) cen­tu­ry. Something here will inspire you for the day.

Friday Animation

Lost Howdy Doody car­toon. Howdy Doody and His Magic Hat. Found in the dank con­fines of the LoC. Brought to you by the fine folks at Dinosaurs and Robots.

and that’s the week…

Oh, and some­body get this fixed for me ‘kay?  (min­ions, not minkies, clear­ly there are idiots in shipping.…)
