The designs of Chris Vetter — urk, um, well… Love him or hate him, this one is as extreme as they get. The Mystery KZ1000. (Hint follow the link to see what Vetter road to Quail.)
One for my guys. Marissa Miller, Harley-Davidsons, photos and video. She kinda babbles in the vid but no-one is actually listening to the audio anyway,
Cloud computing gone horribly awry. Ford’s Tweeting Car Embarks on American Journey 2.0 The killing shot?
“Auto“matic Blog. You knew it would come to this — the car, @AJtheFiesta , will blog or tweet from the road using info gleaned from various vehicle data sensors and engine computer codes (stuff the car already has anyway). Zipping along a winding road? The car might tweet that it’s having fun. Slogging through rush-hour traffic with the wipers on? The car will let the world know it’s not at all happy. “Either way, we wanted to allow the car to become a blogger,” Giuli said.
Yes, I know it’s lazy to use a pull quote, but how could I have possibly written anything that would top that ?
More clues about the lives and evolution of those utterly cool feathered dinosaurs.
Just a gentle reminder from Mother Nature. We humans have no idea what’s going on in the oceans, None. Recently a grey whale was sighted off the coast of Israel. There haven’t been grey whales in the Atlantic ocean in over a century. Or so we thought.
Crows are very smart. Sam here is going to prove it to you. Using a tool, to get a tool, to get another tool, in order to pry the treat out of the box.
Art, Images, and Design
The answer to the question “Why do all those cute Japanese cartoon girls wear pink?” is in this diagram. As well the notion that blue is associated with trouble in Native America cultures and South America. Kinda explains my eye color…
Ric Ocasek — yes of the Cars — had his first ever gallery show of his drawings last month. Teahead Scraps presents 22 colorful, doodely sketch pad wonders. Prints available.
Another stunning set of images from the NYT Lensblog. Little known to modern photography lovers, Fredrick W, Glasier documented the world of the circus in the beginning of the 20th century. View the slide show on a full screen. Well worth getting a fresh cup of coffee for.
onward and upwards my dears