Morning Linkage (May 13)


The designs of Chris Vetter — urk, um, well…  Love him or hate him, this one is as extreme as they get. The Mystery KZ1000. (Hint fol­low the link to see what Vetter road to Quail.)

One for my guys. Marissa Miller, Harley-Davidsons, pho­tos and video. She kin­da bab­bles in the vid but no-one is actu­al­ly lis­ten­ing to the audio anyway,

Cloud com­put­ing gone hor­ri­bly awry. Ford’s Tweeting Car Embarks on American Journey 2.0 The killing shot?

Auto“matic Blog. You knew it would come to this — the car, @AJtheFiesta , will blog  or tweet from the road using info gleaned from var­i­ous vehi­cle data sen­sors and engine com­put­er codes (stuff the car already has any­way). Zipping along a wind­ing road? The car might tweet that it’s hav­ing fun. Slogging through rush-hour traf­fic with the wipers on? The car will let the world know it’s not at all hap­py. “Either way, we want­ed to allow the car to become a blog­ger,” Giuli said.

Yes, I know it’s lazy to use a pull quote, but how could I have pos­si­bly writ­ten any­thing that would top that ?


More clues about the lives and evo­lu­tion of those utter­ly cool feath­ered dinosaurs.

Just a gen­tle reminder from Mother Nature. We humans have no idea what’s going on in the oceans, None. Recently a grey whale was sight­ed off the coast of Israel. There haven’t been grey whales in the Atlantic ocean in over a cen­tu­ry. Or so we thought.

Crows are very smart. Sam here is going to prove it to you. Using a tool, to get a tool, to get anoth­er tool, in order to pry the treat out of the box.

Art, Images, and Design

The answer to the ques­tion “Why do all those cute Japanese car­toon girls wear pink?” is in this dia­gram. As well the notion that blue is asso­ci­at­ed with trou­ble in Native America cul­tures and South America. Kinda explains my eye color…

Ric Ocasek — yes of the Cars — had his first ever gallery show of his draw­ings last month. Teahead Scraps presents 22 col­or­ful, doo­d­e­ly sketch pad won­ders. Prints available.

Another stun­ning set of images from the NYT Lensblog. Little known to mod­ern pho­tog­ra­phy lovers, Fredrick W, Glasier doc­u­ment­ed the world of the cir­cus in the begin­ning of the 20th cen­tu­ry. View the slide show on a full screen. Well worth get­ting a fresh cup of cof­fee for.

onward and upwards my dears
