This is so damned close to a trials bike, an underpowered trials bike. The wheel size difference is odd. But what the heck. There are girls pictured. FX-Mountain Moto.
Google earth now has pictures of Pima and the airplane boneyard.
Bamboo pedal bike frames. Wicked cool material science and engineering. (Thanks M2)
Cooking made us human? A look at the fossil record and what it has to say about the rise of big brains and cooked food.
A bit of background on what an EVA entails and a guess at what it might cost.
Project Gutenberg is now putting up a daily RSS feed of new additions. I find it helpful to have less than the entirety of PG to browse when looking for something to read. A few days ago I found : La Sorcière: The Witch of the Middle Ages by Jules Michelet. Lush bordering in hysterical, when you get to this sentence in the introduction you just know you’re going to stick around to see the end.
“Witches they are by nature.” It is a gift peculiar to woman and her
temperament. By birth a fay, by the regular recurrence of her ecstasy
she becomes a sibyl. By her love she grows into an enchantress. By her
subtlety, by a roguishness often whimsical and beneficent, she becomes
a Witch; she works her spells; does at any rate lull our pains to rest
and beguile them.”
Art, Design, Architecture, and Images
Hydro-floors. How to have a pool and a yoga studio in one space. It’s vastly cool.
A bit of a snicker here. The common milk create is essential to camping, even if you’re traveling by space capsule.
Charles Harper was a prolific mid-century illustrator whose style you will recognize. In a nice mix of two of my favorite things, his illustrations for the Betty Crocker Dinner for Two Cookbook. Scans on Flickr. I agree with Matt from Drawn, this one should be rewritten and reissued with the original illos.
Tilt-shift video. Yes, video. A day in the life of NYC. Sam O’Hare. (Music)
I’m running late, le sigh.