Morning Linkage (Mar 23)


Re the TTXGP shift to trust/co-op struc­ture for the sanc­tion­ing body.
Giving the teams own­er­ship of the series. Brilliant or bound to fail?

HD to return to pri­vate own­er­ship with the help of pri­vate equi­ty firm
KKR? More than a week lat­er HOG stock prices are still enjoy­ing the
rumor based bounce.

Meanwhile, in Italy Ducati and Piaggio are rumored to be think­ing about
join­ing forces.

Doing up an old bike, Montessa Scorpion. Late 60s.

The newest Ford Police Interceptor comes at you in 2011/2012. Nice illo of
the front light pat­tern. Commit this to mem­o­ry. There will be a quiz.


Science and Tech

New col­or cod­ed image shows where all the space dust lives. The
resem­blance to cir­rus clouds is amaz­ing.  Pure space pr0n.


Tools and Gadgets

Most of the met­al I work with is non-ferrous. But if you spend a lot
of time fish­ing for small bits and parts while wrench­ing, you might
want one of  these handy mag­net­ic wrist bands.


Art, Images, and Design

Seriously, which movie/TV ver­sions of com­ic book char­ac­ters have had
the best inter­pre­ta­tions of the heroes cos­tumes? Do *not* skip the

A nice bio/obit of the illus­tra­tor Robert McCall whose images of space
and the future you’ve all seen. He cre­at­ed posters for 2001: A Space

Yuko Shimizu drew a cov­er for the ‘Now Hear This’ free­bie CD each month
for The Word mag­a­zine. the assign­ment recent­ly end­ed and she’s posted
a good hand­ful of her favorites. Girls with musi­cal imple­ments. I love
the play lists.

Thanks for wait­ing so patient­ly for Morning Linkage to resume.
