Morning Linkage (Jun 8)


The Sidewinder. Yup, Barris, still wrong. (The site includes all of the Barris designs from your child­hood. The Munsters through General Lee. The front page has music.)

There are only two pic­tures here, but it’s not often you get to see an Excelsior under the sky.

You just know that this cat was the height of cool.


Osedax roseus is a bone bor­ing worm that lives on the picked over remains of a sunken whale car­cass. Adaptation is stun­ning in it’s vari­ety. And no, it’s not weird to read about a fin­ger sized red worm and repeat­ed­ly exclaim — that is so cool!


Two pieces of poet­ry, very dif­fer­ent prove­nances, very sim­i­lar messages.

First, Tom Waits reads the odd­ly hope­ful ‘Laughing Heart’ by Charles Bukowski.

Then, Neil Gaiman reads “Instructions” while Charles Vess’ illus­tra­tions and work­ing draw­ing cap­ti­vate your eyes.


Os Gemos from Brazil hit­ting the streets of Italy with some clever visu­als.

I’m not sure about the ham­ster wheel por­tion of this cylin­dri­cal hous­ing solu­tion but the bit that rolls over to change from a desk and chair to a bed is just what I need for my office. Nap-time!

Yuko Shimizu at drawger intro­duces us to anoth­er of her long list of on-line friends. Benjamin Gudel (u with umlat) Most of the images in this gallery are from a Carhartt cam­paign. Really.

ta my dar­ling readers
