Morning Linkage (Jun 7)


For any­one who does­n’t already know where the inspi­ra­tion for my hack, Brunhilde, came from. The clas­sic cream with pin­stripes has always spo­ken to me.

Another junk bicy­cle and lit­tle gas engine cre­ation. This could get to be a recur­ring fea­ture here.

Oh my, anoth­er Deus. The Bloodnok. Flash based gallery at the source.

Society and Culture

This is one of those finds that is delight­ful­ly dif­fi­cult to cat­e­go­rize. Sukkah City NYC  2010. 12 sukkahs will be built in Union Square next fall. And it will all end up in a book,“Sukkah City: Radically Temporary Architecture for the Next Three Thousand Years.” But most­ly you have to see how they’ve illus­trat­ed the rules.
“Sukkah City: Radically Temporary Architecture for the Next Three Thousand Years.”


This is an almost per­fect illu­sion. Daylight stream­ing through a non-existent window.

xiaobaosg is real­ly William Chua. He puts a lot of his work on Threadless and Designs for Humans. Images like his is one of the rea­sons that the graph­ic T‑shirt is mak­ing such a come back. Gorgeous.

Some pic­tures hint at a pos­si­ble nar­ra­tive. Others drop a sto­ry on your toes and force you to pick it up and pon­der it’s fissures.
