Morning Linkage (Jun 30)

Transportation and Engineering

Some of these future of trans­porta­tion ideas from Japan, pub­lished in 1936, are nov­el riffs on the com­mon themes. But the two-color illus­tra­tions fea­tur­ing red and a love­ly inky blue-black and spiffy, speedy white wisps are so won­der­ful.

The cru­cial dif­fer­ence between math and engi­neer­ing is decibels.

Art, Design and Architecture

A nifty beer bot­tle meant to have a sec­ond life as build­ing material.

Playing with your food has nev­er been quite this sat­is­fy­ing. John Baldessari has built a dig­i­tal DIY still life kit using the ele­ments of Abraham van Beyeren’s orig­i­nal 17th cen­tu­ry paint­ing. Originally an instal­la­tion at the Los Angeles County Museum of Art, the expe­ri­ence is now avail­able on the web (or your iPhone)


Clay-mation,  sort of  — the title char­ac­ter is a blob of blue clay. Answering the age-old ques­tion what’s the dif­fer­ence between a bank pres­i­dent and a porn star. For all it’s blob­by­ness this is (NSFW.)

What this is doing on a site ded­i­cat­ed to nature pho­tos I do not know. But it’s a total­ly clever ani­mat­ed com­bi­na­tion of memes. Tetris, park­our, duck hunt­ing, and that weird build­ing game. (SFW)

Okay — time to rebuild the office fur­ni­ture (again)
