Morning Linkage (Jun 3)


Ryca CS1 — what your Suzuki S40 is going to be when it grows up. Ryca’s own flash encum­bered site.

Pretty girls and motor­cy­cles. This time with his­to­ry of Chinese cin­e­ma added.

A cut away illo and some pho­tos of the Vincent Nero/Super Nero. The naked shot is out­right frightening.

Tech and Gadgets

The ulti­mate shop door? Well it’s the bitchin’-est hangar door I’ve ever seen. Though it looks more like the local feed store than a house…

Have you ever cal­cu­lat­ed the cost of that week­ly staff meet­ing? Do you know what it costs to let Dave from account­ing blath­er on for an extra 12 min­utes? TIM will do the math for you, in real time.

Art, Images, and Design

I love com­ing across an artist   whose work can make me both very gig­gly hap­py. See the lit­tle bird rock­er about half way down. And fore­head wrin­kling puz­zled. The sheep in NY — um, that’s not even…  Claude and François-Xavier Lalanne.

Extraordinary images of Venice. Liquid and mys­te­ri­ous. Giuseppe Desideri. (Most effec­tive as a slide show.)

Friday Animation

The sur­re­al Zayatz and Volk. Russian kid­die car­toon­ing from the 70s/80s era. The com­men­tary is almost as whacked as the cartoon.

did you know that ‘play’ is the one key off on the right hand typo for ‘okay’?


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