Morning Linkage (Jun 10)


We all know that the Goldwing is the most capa­ble race machine out there. Right?

But, it’s been done before. More con­vinc­ing­ly. (Photos and sto­ry cour­tesy of Phil Kopp.)

Go here. Choose your favorite style of bicy­cle. The Plato — town­ie. The Aristotle — free or fixed. Or the slight­ly more cool Aristolte CRMO. Click “build” and start cus­tomiz­ing your col­or­ful new toy. Addictive and harm­less fun.

I have no idea what this site is actu­al­ly about but the sweet blue 750 wait­ing patient­ly for bet­ter weath­er is dear.


Does this belong in Food or Design? A math­e­mat­i­cal­ly per­fect set of knives.

Art, Images, and Design

As we go through our day — sit­ting in front of com­put­ers, con­sum­ing text — we rarely see the let­ters and sym­bols for them­selves. They are beau­ti­ful. Look at some of the scripts and writ­ing sys­tems that do not share our famil­iar west­ern let­ter forms and remem­ber that the sym­bols that we use to con­vey mean­ing have a grace all their own.

Sarah Bridgland is mak­ing found paper con­struc­tions. Lots of very nice ones.  Her Swingline Staples is par­tic­u­lar­ly pleas­ing to fans of let­ters. (thx tfmktm)

Form Golden Age Comic Book Stories. The Children of Odin. Hand cut let­ter­ing and sim­ple block draw­ings. Willy Pogany’s illus­tra­tions would make the finest col­or­ing book.

… it’s always something.
