Morning Linkage (Jun 1)


With Game Over spelled out on it’s tank sides, this bike by the Navel Factory can only be said to hulk. But the details are love­ly. The cut away speedo for one.

True love. Seriously. The guy built this sweet Norton for his girl­friend. That just screams mar­riage mate­r­i­al all over it.

Not very good qual­i­ty video but I just love lis­ten­ing to the com­men­tary.  Catalina 1954.

Society and Culture

I’m sad­den to have just dis­cov­ered Neither More Nor Less at the end of it’s run. Images and sto­ries from the real world of the East Willage. A dai­ly diary of a small part of our world writ­ten and pho­tographed every day for 4 years. It’s over now. Take a look back at one man pay­ing care­ful attention.

Images, Art, and Design

Columbarium is a good dic­tio­nary word. It’s also a wise and com­pas­sion­ate way to deal with our dead. Tin-Sun But is a pro­posed colum­bar­i­um for the bay of Hong Kong.

Pripayat was evac­u­at­ed in May 1986. Told it would just be for a lit­tle while, the 50,000 res­i­dents took only a few days worth of clothes and a hand­ful of per­son­al items with them. Sitting along side all of the belong­ings that were left behind, these new images now live on the walls of the homes, offices, and fac­to­ries that they left. Note that the arti­cle is wrong — most of these images were cre­at­ed by tres­passers in the last 10 years not by the flee­ing res­i­dents 20+ years ago. That does­n’t make the images any less effective.

Animals full of whim­sy. (Rowers on a whale tail? A sheep made out of scissors?)

just pre­tend it’s Monday y’all
