There’s been no SnowPocalypse in Pugetopolis this year. But don’t get too comfy with the idea of dry(ish) sunny Januaries. In fact, you might want to view this educational video from BMW — how to glide gracefully across the frozen wastes in your BMW X5M — where do I sign up?
There are few things sexier than Steve McQueen… Though this recreation of his desert racer (from the Great Escape) is damned close.
Oh, and just in case you need to spend some time contemplating the original bike and the crucial question on of “did they really make that jump?”, TimesOnline brings you the story of another recreation — the big jump. (Video has narration.)
A whole lot of black and white goodness. Tons of moto and moto life pictures, this dude loves the Nortons. The Tokyo Rockabilly Club (third down) is making me smile. (Search for Tokyo Rockers and Tunnel of Love) NSFW — pinups in the mix.
There are a number of games making their way around the internet played by typing words into the Google search bar and watching the suggestions that pop up. WebSeer takes it one step further by allowing you to compare the suggestions for similar phrases. (I tried dogs hate and cats hate.)
There are advances in heated gear tech. Carbon fiber in your socks.
Art, Architecture and Design
Some times art is just fun. What happens when Katie draws chalk foot prints on sidewalk in front of her apartment?
Building a hobbit house in Wales. Part timber frame, part straw bale, part adobe, part god only knows, but a whole lot of awesome.
Polish poster design. You’ve seen it’s influence in trendy advertising and product packaging design.
From Kirov Russia, living in a fairy tale. Cheerful interior design based on children’s books, by Maria Yasko.
This little giggle — for the job seekers out there. A new and very efficient pre-screening technique for engineers.
keep calm and carry on