Morning Linkage (Jan 19)


It’s that time of the year. Icy roads can cut down on your two-wheel com­mute trips. Or not.

Brutally evil look­ing elec­tric bike. Another entry for the TTXGP.

Another cool fast boat. And this one won’t get all smashed up by eco-terrorists. On the oth­er hand — it is in the Navy now. Littoral com­bat ship with a claimed 43 knot turn­ing speed.



Green Porno — which isn’t real­ly porno. An inter­view with the man who dressed Isabella Rossellini as a starfish and a squid.

The zodi­ac light, an arti­fact of the space dust between Earth and the sun. Photographed in Chile. It’s worth click­ing on the pho­to to enlarge it.


Art, Images, Design

ROA of Belgium does giant line draw­ings of ani­mals in built and aban­doned envi­ron­ments. His giant birds are espe­cial­ly wonderful.

A dinosaur and his friend con­tem­plate the growth of col­ors. Crayola meets Moore’s law, though the time scale ia a lit­tle longer.

I enjoy look­ing into the process of cre­at­ing. PK of BibliOdyssey made friends with Yuko Shimizu and now he has a page of her draw­ings in var­i­ous stages of com­ple­tion. From pen and ink out­line to col­ored press ready. Fascinating.

Girl and bike. Yep, it’s cool.

Happy It’s Not Monday campers.
