Morning Linkage (Jan 12)



MotoIQ does up a Ruckus right. It han­dles, it brakes, it goes 50 mph with­out a steep hill or a tail wind. (Sucky pre­sen­ta­tion of the series though. Start at the bot­tom of the page, le sigh.)

A hand­ful of vin­tage (1960) motor­cy­cle and acces­so­ry ads. The clean cut prep­pies in the Harley ads are a bit of a brain twister.



Finding things is the moment of oooh shiny in arche­ol­o­gy. Sometimes what comes about years lat­er as the found objects are slow­ly mapped out in a lab is even more incred­i­ble. The mys­te­ri­ous and mys­te­ri­ous­ly com­plex Antikythera Mechanism has giv­en up new infor­ma­tion. A mechan­i­cal cal­en­dar of unri­valed com­plex­i­ty. Read more about it and fol­low the links to a 2 part video.

The line between ani­mal and plant is get­ting a lit­tle blur­ri­er as biol­o­gists exam­ine the green sea slug and it’s use, and per­haps pro­duc­tion, of chlorophyll.



Seen on the WL list last week, it deserves to put into the record on Shiny. The map of lit­er­a­ture. Enter an author, see the rub­ber band map of style relat­ed authors. No idea what the data under­ly­ing the map looks like.

Shelfari was also list­ed as a resource for find­ing new books and authors when your lit­er­ary cup­board is bare.

And the near­est thing to heav­en for book­ish peep­ing toms: LibraryThing. Personal, pub­lic, and his­toric libraries from around the world. Is there a WL group yet?


Art, Images, Illustration

These monster-ific wall vinyls by Alberto Cerriteño are among the best kid’s room decor I’ve seen. Maybe my office needs a make over? (UK shop)

In fact I am total­ly in love with all of Alberto Cerriteño’s work. Portfolio here:

People put the odd­est things in the dark cor­ners of their web­sites. Page down twice for a col­lec­tion of opti­cal illu­sions that cre­ate the image of a skull out of an ordi­nary scene.

In 1937 the orig­i­nal Kamikaze (Mitsubishi Ki-15) made the first Tokyo to Europe flight. These sim­ple col­or­ful post cards where print­ed lat­er that year to cel­e­brate that achievement.

Keep float­ing my lovelies.