The Porsche Family Tree ad from a couple of months ago was a fine showing of classic cars. Here’s a Making of …video for your enjoyment. Shameless self promotion at it’s finest. (sound — but nice sound)
In anticipation of Bonneville Speedweek, talented automotive photographer Jerry Garns put up three shots from 2009.
BMW R69S Custom from Ritmo Sereno.
The Ritmo Sereno site translated from Japanese by the ever helpful Google.
Food, Society, and Technology
A fabulous Annie Leibovitz photograph and a reminder that one of my favorite food writer has been unread for too long. MKF Fisher. Sadly not available in the Kindle.
On a more mundane note, the ubiquitous and useless ketchup packet has finally gotten a redesign.
Art, Images, Design
More Jim Flora and the very good news that there will be prints. Skittish horse is kind of sinister indeed.
With a style that is similarly simple in line and color choice, illustrator Jon Klassen gets a nice write up at Design Sponge.
The ring a day project. Doing some art everyday is a good practice (zen) for anyone who wants to keep their brain tuned up and develop a skill. Designing a making a ring a day is project for jewelers and metalsmiths.
Milky way transport map — a la London.
A little Valentine’s animation. Set in Paris. With ninjas. Can it get better?
ninja love story — animation (paris)
Happy Monday my little hyperactive gerbils.