Massive construction under Grand Central Station in NYC. A slide show of images of tunneling for the new LIR connections. Note — individual captions are to the right of the images.
Science and technology
Hunter and predator robots. Neural networks and random mutations allow robots to evolve behaviors.
Art, Images, Design
13 pictures from the Women’s Bureau archives of women doing war work. The National Archives is making good use of Flickr. The slide shows are entertaining and the information about the individual images are well cataloged and well presented. Best of both worlds.
It’s not in English (yet) but dang do I want it to be. Cartoon Cooking. Illustrated recipes and techniques.
Economy, simplicity, timeliness. More of life should be as finely drawn as these line based portraits done on the Tokyo trains.
A handful of brilliant opening credits for recent movies. (video — sound)
Another classic children’s book. Aesop’s Fables with illustrations by Milo Winters.
We’ve almost made it. Just a little further.