Every body loves a top 10. Okay, so how about a top 19? The 19 most complex and dangerous roads in the world. Complex ?= Dangerous.
Tamburini = Brutale ++. That said, there is absolutely no justification for providing a link to this productivity sapping photo gallery. None.
The best collection of WTF moto moments.
There is less than 100% agreement on what exactly Panotpitclick is measuring/revealing but the fallacy of non-identifying information is taking another beating. Your browser customizations may make you trackable. My results on Jan 31, 2010. “Your browser fingerprint appears to be unique among the 443,644 tested so far.”
Ancient tech. The oldest known multi-tool. A Roman Army Knife, if you will.
Art and Design
Tommy Kane (was) a big shot in advertising. Now he wants to be an illustrator again. I’ll start you out with one of his colored pencil sketches. The shop Zen Needlecraft has the misfortune of having the rather unhappy looking fish logo from the upstairs restaurant right over the front door.
In 3‑D. Kinekt gear driven rings, for your finger. Watch the video.
Bill Watterson talks about his decision to stop drawing Calvin and Hobbes.
English Laundry and Dan and Dave. It’s a bit much trendy for me but the music is good and the card flourishes are just plain cool. (Video — Sound)
Off to be a girly-girl today, expect me to be all pink hearts and flowers and little smilies to dot my I’s for a couple of days…