Morning Linkage (Aug 9)


Superimposed time-lapse pho­tog­ra­phy. Stoner does the corkscrew. I’m dizzy.
So here’s the thing. We all know about art cars. (and most of them are sht) But what about art bikes? No past­ed on dolls heads or racks of bub­ble machines here. Just an R‑80 with some excel­lent met­al work and a cou­ple of bits of jet­sam that got caught in the backwash.

H‑D. 883. Details are every­thing. Check the heat shields and the mat­te black fin­ish with the glossy black pin­stripes. Rough Craft out of Taiwan. Spend some time with their blog as well.

The venue is a toy mod­der’s forum. That’s about all I can tell you oth­er than that this moto toy is six kinds of night­mare induc­ing awe­some.

Art, Images, and Design

Japanese posters from the 30’s. Showing the influ­ence of both west­ern design and west­ern com­mu­nism in mes­sages for the proletariat.
More posters. The movie genre that brought you Reefer Madness pro­duced 100’s more, equal­ly sala­cious, movies in the 40’s and 50’s. Golden Age Comics col­lect­ed the lob­by posters for you. Cat women of the Moon, Juvenile Jungle, and Alimony — gasp. (NSFW — squicky)

Classical themes and com­po­si­tions Francois-Emile Barraud paint­ed in the ear­ly 20th cen­tu­ry. An unde­served­ly obscure painter. (NSFW artis­tic nudes)

Book arts and ani­ma­tion. “This is Where We Live” by ATP and Asylum Films. Take a walk through a world of books.
