Morning Linkage (Aug 19)


I’m at it again with the tiny cus­toms. This non-NA mod­el Honda JX110 impress­es with a hand­made muf­fler.

At the oth­er extreme. large, low and very long. An Indian with a nod towards the bicy­cles of the 20’s.

The title says it all. Engine Porn. A well done pho­to of the RD33 engine put into such Soviet planes as the MiG29.


The Earth and the moon, togeth­er. As seen look­ing back from the Messenger spacecraft.


What if GMO plants were used to cre­ate some­thing oth­er than food? Artist David Benque pro­pos­es mod­i­fi­ca­tion and selec­tive breed­ing to add cus­tom acoustics to a forest

More arti­fi­cial sounds — what hap­pens when you slow one of those ter­ri­ble songs by the boy phe­nom Justin Bieber by 800? You end up with some­thing that sounds like a Brian Eno air­port expe­ri­ence. But it’s weird­ly soothing.

Art, Images, and Design

Porto. A col­lec­tion of ran­dom images tak­en by Miss K and pub­lished by the street art blog Stick 2 Target.


Visual apho­risms. 3.5 seconds.

Dinner:  Keep calm and car­ry out
