Morning Linkage (Apr 7)


New vehi­cle con­trol sys­tems are always pop­u­lar with the bored press. This is one of the best… (that makes no sense.) xBox con­trol inte­gra­tion — very well done.

XS650 min­i­mal­ist update.

Coolest trans­porta­tion sec­tor job ever… WSDOT’s aer­i­al pho­tog­ra­ph­er.


Society, Culture, Literature

Because no one real­ly wants the hand­writ­ten word to dis­ap­pear. What is you could make your email into snail mail com­plete with a rout­ing map. Yes, I know it’s a con­cept piece. Now get out there and build me one.

Once I have the will to return to writ­ing real let­ters I’ll need is some decent let­ter­head. Among the many exam­ples on the site LetterHeady is this sim­ple but unmis­tak­able sheet from Theodor Geisel.


Art, Images, and Design

Amazing… I think I might over use that word… but tru­ly this will blow your mind. Bovey Lee cuts rice paper with xac­to knives. Delicate, detailed, and not quite as pre­cious as you’d think. Her port­fo­lio site flash based. But if you like what you see on here on Paper Carve go and spend some time with Tsunami Enmeshed.

Vespa scoot­er ads have been always been clever — a col­lec­tion of recent ones from around the world fea­tures, car win­dow cute outs, invis­i­ble pin-up girls, inter-dimensional trav­el and, oh course,  butterflies.



Blue bohemi­an, a hep cat makes a dr suess­ian rhyme about a sadis­tic piano builder and the theft of all the finest musi­cal cats.. Paris? Morocco? Hell? (Disturbing)

It’s always something.
