Morning Linkage (Apr 13)


The new MSF Curriculum is being talked about. What does this mean to you?

Sponsored in part by MSF and con­duct­ed by the Virgina Tech Transportation Institute, a new study aims to pro­duce up to date val­ues for moto acci­dents and near accidents.

Geographically suit­able vehi­cles? Or design exer­cis­es with stereo types. Considering that these three vehi­cles designed for the Pacific Northwest fit so nice­ly into the lives of the “nature-loving, caffeine-addicted triath­letes” that live here, I’d say the stereo­types are win­ning. (I only know one of the afore men­tioned goobers.)

The descrip­tion of this fine Norton-Harley hybrid begins with,  “Some motor­cy­cles just look exact­ly “right”. Yeah, what he said.\



They Draw and Cook. Illustrators show their favorite recipes in 1200 x 450 pix­els. Yes, we want this all pub­lished in a book.


Art, Images, and Design

Small urban land­scapes placed in larg­er urban land­scapes. Adding win­dows to met­al box­es cre­ates new spaces where tiny cit­i­zens can live.

More Nicole Dextras — Angry Lunch. Cast paper shapes make up a sand­wich with an atti­tude.

A col­lec­tion of unusu­al rugs.  So are wit­ty, some are head scratch­ing­ly odd, a cou­ple would be fab to have on the floor. (Eggs, or the polar bear?)



Pixels take over NYC. All of your favorite old school arcade games are here.

… and that’s Tuesday for you.
