Morning Linakge (May 24)


There’s an app for that. Rolls-Royce lets you build a Ghost on your iPhone.

Corn and used cook­ing oil aren’t the only mate­ri­als suit­able for pro­cess­ing into fuels. Amtrak is test­ing, urm, what was left on the slaugh­ter house floor.

One of the great­est things about Boeing’s devel­op­ment of the 787 is how much of the process is being doc­u­ment­ed and broad­cast to the curi­ous mass­es. The cli­mat­ic test­ing has begun in Florida. It’s dan­ged cold in that hangar. And you need an elec­tric pen­cil sharpener.

Society and Culture

Boing-Boing pro­vides a review of a nifty book about vend­ing machines. Amazon car­ries the book. (Some of the sell alongs are distasteful.)

There are few things more grat­ing than a car alarm in the night. This lit­tle video of Nasty Canasta just might go a ways to mak­ing the next sleep­less night a lit­tle more bear­able. Innovative bur­lesque and NSFW.

Art, Images, and Design

I know she’s kind of mor­bid and a whole lot emo but I love the way Sarah Sharp jux­ta­pos­es images and words.

Economy of  line can be the most expres­sive tech­nique for sketch­ing. These three quick stud­ies by Jean-Marie Guivarc’h from the Bidon 2 Litres are fine exam­ples and hap­pi­ly also include two side­cars. If you’d like to see more of his work — most­ly auto­mo­tive look fur­ther.

This and the next five pic­tures were tak­en in an aban­doned build­ing in Lockport. The build­ing and the source of the bikes is IDesd in the com­ments. The HDR work is nice­ly restrained.

ooh, look, it’s anoth­er week starting…
