Morning Linakge (Apr 16)

Random Day after Tax Day tab clos­ing exercise.


Classic Lambretta scoot­er ads.

New ads for the M‑B G class. Making images from the land­scape — in this case sand and stones.


Art, Images, and Design

From Olson Kundig — a tow­er of iso­la­tion on the edge of a forest. *

Cutting up oil paint­ings on can­vas to make social com­men­tary. I knew all those “repli­cas” would be put to good use even­tu­al­ly. Check out Washington cross­ing the Delaware, with a lit­tle help. Titus Kaphir.

The Selvedge Yard brings the ten­der bits of New York City in the 1970’s to life with the pic­tures and words of Allan Tannenbaum. I“m not sure you can describe what I feel as nos­tal­gia, more of a grind­ing familiarity.

Simple, sweet, and to the point. A clever visu­al for Fedex. London -> Madrid.



Lush visu­als and music bring the chil­dren’s book La gran orques­tra de los ani­males, to life. A jour­ney from the coun­try­side to the city for fame and for­tune, and back. and then back again.

… and anoth­er week goes in the books.

* One of the part­ners in the firm Olson Kundig is a relative.
