Morning Linkage (Jan 13)


Some Lomographic pho­tos…of a very nice RD400. Yes, it’s orange.

Don’t you want to meet the guys (and girls) behind this col­lec­tion of
run­ning projects snapped out­side a din­er in Brooklyn last March?

Roland Sands, meh. Nice cam­era work, awe­some sound track, sil­ly bike
stunts, yay! (Sound)



Having views of Earth from space is one of the defin­ing differences
between the late 20th cen­tu­ry and all that went before in how we
per­ceive our place on the plan­et. This col­lec­tion high­lights sand
dunes. Particularly inter­est­ing is this image of Lake Eyre in
Australia. The nor­mal­ly dry and dune filled lake bed is partially
refilled with water due to heavy rains in May of last year.


Tech and Design

The only thing cool­er than this stain­less steel hose is the
real­iza­tion of it’s true pur­pose.

The eReader will have slipped firm­ly in the cat­e­go­ry of commodity
hard­ware by sum­mer of 2010, pre­dicts Ars. Here’s what’s around the
cor­ner for the rest of the year.


Art, Images, Illustration

Cut paper.

Three masks by Flurry and Salk. Lion, Owl, Cockatiel.

Yuken Teruya’s cut paper projects use every­day items like fast food
bags and toi­let paper rolls
to build del­i­cate forests. This is the bag
project, among the oth­er bests are Corner Forest and Free Fish. (links
at the top of the gallery page.)
Another user of toi­let paper rolls, Anatassia Elias creates
sil­hou­et­ted scenes from a nos­tal­gic past

Not paper. Cut steel. Cal Lane makes lace with indus­tri­al dis­cards and
a plas­ma torch. (NSFW nudi­ty and sex­u­al pos­es in doillies)
