Morning Linkage (Sept 22)


Replicas are one way to move bikes in a reces­sion. Spies fans can hop
a plane to the UK for this one.

A new trend in adver­tis­ing, iPhone apps. Used some­what effec­tive­ly to
adver­tise the new VW Scirocco.I have no idea if you get the Wagner
sound track to go with the game but it’s a dri­vable Nurburgring for
the iPhone.  (And you all were won­der­ing why I’d give in.…)

I prob­a­bly won’t shell out the cash for Gran Turismo 5, but I know
enough peo­ple who will that I should get at least one chance to drive
the in-game M‑B SLS AMG gull­wing.

On a more respon­si­ble note. Making pub­lic trans­porta­tion more
inter­est­ing with cool bus stops. Why so much fruit?



Projector TV and remote sen­sor tech meets pool table. Visuals that
react to the balls in play. Expensively installed in the Esquire
Ultimate Bachelor Pad, which gives you some idea of the amount of
class attached to the graph­ics being pro­ject­ed. SFW



Last Friday was Parking Day. Some pics from around the coun­try. I am
as baf­fled as the poster as to what the pyra­mid of bowl­ing balls was
try­ing to indicate.


Art, Images, and Illustration

Low 3‑D is a use­ful term for not-quite sculp­tures that hang on a wall.
Meredith Dittmar’s box­es are invit­ing. (Click through to her website
for more chal­leng­ing images.)

Detailed, sub­ver­sive black & white line draw­ings framed in letter
forms. Oleg Medvedev is from, and com­ments on, Moscow.

More black & white from east­ern Europe. Elena Asima’s anthro­po­mor­phic
have the feel of hal­lu­ci­na­to­ry etchings.

This is more of a com­ment on street artist wanna-bes than the
ubiq­ui­tous IKEA flat pack. Banksy par­o­dies him­self, his fellow
artists, and their sud­den (?) legitimacy.

Tooting his own horn but not unrea­son­ably, Brett Polok shows us a few
of his lat­est paint­ings. Comic books, sten­cils, graf­fi­ti. There’s a
lot of sim­i­lar out recent­ly. This is the way it should be done.

The Coming Alien Invasion

The New Yorker gives us our com­ing alien over­lords. They think our TV
sucks too. Oh and they don’t want our pre­cious… gravel.

mean­while I shall return to the cru­cial con­sid­er­a­tion of exact­ly what
shade of pur­ple to had added to my hair this time…
