Morning Linkage (Sept 15)


The good moto stuff first. Another yum­my bike on Bike EXIF. They’re
hit­ting my sweet spot late­ly. And it *races*.

Outrageously luxe big V‑8s are a pas­sion of mine. Here’s anoth­er entry
for my imag­i­nary garage.

Sadly yet anoth­er exot­ic is get­ting the elec­tric treat­ment. Come-on
folks, these cars were nev­er meant to hum along silent­ly in the I‑405
24/7 traf­fic jam. It’s ugly to boot.

The mir­rors at Lamborgini head­quar­ters are all bro­ken, That’s the only
expla­na­tion for all the odd angles and planes on this Reventon. I like
it any­way and these ren­der­ings seri­ous­ly rock.

Motoring old style. From Millie Motts a set of scans from Delaware
mag­a­zine 1934. The expla­na­tion of syn­chro­nized traf­fic lights
is excel­lent. (Click for bigger.)



I want this book, just because I love any­thing about ‘how it’s made’.



The best DIY space project ever? Get your very own pho­tos from 18
miles up. For less than $150. Maybe cheap­er, I’m sure we have a couple
of extra beer cool­ers lay­ing around.

Green Porno is back. Seriously good infor­ma­tion on reproductive
biol­o­gy with clever paper cos­tumes and the dead sexy Isabella
Rossellini. NSFW unless you want to have a very interesting
con­ver­sa­tion with the nice girl from HR about your sex­u­al orientation.
(Tentacle fetish anyone?)

For sale, one T. Rex skele­ton. No longer being used by orig­i­nal owner.



It’s fash­ion week in NYC. Here’s a quick look at some high­lights. I
like the laid back atti­tude we’re seeing.

On a more for­mal note, there are still milliners. Uma Turan is a Brit
with an eye for for hap­py flip­pan­cy in hats.

The MOMA store is always a good go-to for a styl­ish gift when you
refuse to suc­cumb the Bed, Bath, and Beyond Registry thing. Here are a
cou­ple of speech bal­loon plates that will make some­one smile.



Warren Ellis point­ed to this col­lec­tion of hand-colored pho­tographs
from Russia tak­en in 1896. There is no nar­ra­tive to accom­pa­ny the
images, mak­ing them alien and suggestive.

We’ve lost the Polaroid. Sigh. Here’s a set of por­traits done by Hana
Davies using the Polaroid as a col­lage ele­ments. All of her work
pleas­es me. NSFW — nudes.

A mas­ter of impromp­tu sketch­ing. Wil Wong draws Toronto en plein aire.

Do the Time Warp is back. Deviant Art’s chal­lenge to illus­tra­tors, Now
and Then self portraits.Done most­ly by high school­ers and
20-somethings, more mature view­ers will find both the Thens and the
Nows  poignant reminders of the uni­ver­sal nature of grow­ing up. Alice
chose 12 of her favorites and post­ed them at Modern Met.

Amy Crehore has repost­ed her Demon Ukulele. The horned demon on the
head­stock is sneer­ing sweet­ly — if that’s pos­si­ble. Amy’s site is
unfor­tu­nate­ly NSFW — artist nudes.

A classy young lady who would go on to be one of the most pow­er­ful in
the world. Her charm is unmis­tak­able. Jacqueline Bouvier.

back to the salt mines, the lot if you.

