Art, Images
Goncalo Viana did this clever illustration of a car as a helmet for an article on car safety.
More of Goncalo’s work on his portfolio page.
Nerdbots. Lovable found object sculptures. The logo rocks too.
Mercedes Laguanas is from Madrid. Mysticism infused portraits.
I have not read any of Stuff of Legends. In fact I hadn’t given it any head space at all until I saw this detail from one of the covers. If the story is as intensely interwoven as the graphic elements of this image I may need to get some.
Chimeras by Antoine and Manuel. Work from 2006.
Charming artist. Charming interview. Charming work.
Women in the GDR. Black and white photographs by Sibylle Bergemann. Starting with a moto portrait. Let the slide show run.
Gouache on paper. Ric Stultz uses simple forms and visual puns to set up universal ideas. Doughnut, hacksaw, and handcuffs?
Happy day after the binge.