A nicely done Harley from Denmark. The copper bits are different. How
does such a little country manage to have so may talented builders?
From a classic and exotic car shop in Australia comes a well
documented 1966 Lambretta LI 125 Series 2.
Amid a collection of collectible furniture are these gems. Clown
bikes. Made me smile.
Functional moto fashion isn’t exactly the height of style but this
pair of pants (patented naturally) is about as dorky as you can get.
The patent illustration has a certain something…
Abstract but instantly recognizable.
Another one for the Christmas list. Your bike illustrated. Cay
Broendum does lovely work with pen and watercolors. (via Wrench
Monkees who advise that if you haven’t got a picture worthy bike you
use any of theirs.)
The “art” cake is getting a little old but sometimes they’re just too
funny, The classic wedding cake reinterpreted for the end of the
For anyone who hasn’t seen it yet. The Big Picture presents the Nat.
Geo. 2009 Photo of the Year candidates. Yawn.
Art, Images, and Paper
How to kill an idea. It took me quite a while to find a full size
version of this image. Why so hard? No artist attribution in the first
3 pages I found it on. (Scott Campbell)
Cartoonish monsters with unexpected background elements. Giggle
worthy. (James (Jimbot) Demski)
Another illustrator in the whimsical children’s cartoon style. Why
don’t I have a good name for this? (Chris “Elio” Eliopoulos)
Kevin Kidney works in paper building low relief sculptures among other things.
A little creature with a cute overly large skull rides a hummingbird.
No really, go look. It’s not nearly as unrelentingly sweet as you
think. (Mike Mitchell)
Me and my hangover are going away now.…