Bonus time-waster Saturday edition.
Go Karts are the ultimate form of racing. But grownups look a little silly squished into their tiny frames. Just ask Schumacher and Piquet.
The World.
Gawker pull quote of the day. Tina on Lisa and Sarah. (Put the coffee down.)
And those tricky Canadians are menacing our neighborhoods again.
Stuff (on my Christmas List)
Lego. Paper. Possibilities.
Not quite the carnivorous ideal but baby vampire rings? Yup, that’ll do nicely. They come as a pair, but who to share with?
Not an Powerbook owner but I know someone this sticker that takes advantage of the glowing apple would suit. vinylville has other designs as well.
Elvis Costello’s Spectacle is one of the freshest music shows for old geeks like me. A new season is starting up on Dec 9. On the same day you’ll be able to buy a box set of the first season. (Maybe this should have been filed in On my Christmas List?)
Art, Design, Architecture
Most of these clever stair cases wouldn’t pass code inspection anywhere in Pugetopolis. Yet another reason to be a pirate builder.
Today’s street art begins with a mural in Oaxaca by Argentinian Gualicho.
More walls by Gualicho here. (One or two monsters may be considered NSFW.)
Dan23 has a stencil based style that has gotten him commissions for wall decor in several venues. His portraits are especially nice.
Shag has a show opening at the Corey Herford Gallery. 4 pieces are featured on his website. So 50s, so bebop. Yeah, yeah. Mad Men and all that. This is the real deal.
Ty Wilkins has a couple of new illos. This fox looks like a clever fellow. Spend some time with his more commercial work as well. (Click ‘Browse’ in the header.)
Urban sketchers for this weekend. SF Chinatown described as “the most European” part of the city. Whatever. The black and white scenes sketched at night ring true none-the-less.
Animation and Video
Live Music is the first “crowd sourced” animation. Very much in the classic Disney style. There’s a brief explanation of how the process worked and the trailer for theatrical release of the short. I’ll look for the full version on-line when it releases; chances are not good that I’m not going to pay to see Planet51 just to see this in a theater.
Stop motion and paper craft make this gruesome little ditty. Slightly more realistic than South Park gruesome — there are heads used as soccer balls here.
Unicornfish chaser. Just what it says — something to cleanse the retinas after Videogioco.
And that’s your Saturday afternoon gone.