Morning Linkage (Jun 18)

With so many of my friends (and ene­mies?) mov­ing I thought I’d pass
along this help­ful link to low space required book shelves. Good
look­ing too.

Somebody owes me a kitten.

Book lust.The Ancient book of Sex and Science.  Retro illustration
style, every one’s favorite top­ic. Check out the scans here.
(mod­er­ate­ly NSFW — art/illustrations no photos.)
Then see more on the ama­zon page using Look Inside.–1

Former indus­tri­al site trans­formed into a park. Cool, but most­ly I’m
link­ing this for the pho­tographs. (there are links to NYC’s highline
project as well. If you’re inter­est­ed in urban land­scapes and reuse it
s a fas­ci­nat­ing project.)

You going to have to be a real man­ly man to sur­vive being on of the
first NYPD offi­cers assigned to one of these. (Whirr. Whirr. Whirr.)

A load­ing dock and 25 rent­ed box trucks. I love this as a way for
artists and design­ers who are shut out of the big boy shows to get an

Using RR right-of-way to build new elec­tric trans­mis­sion cor­ri­dors. A
trans­porta­tion and ener­gy pro­pos­al that makes way too much sense.
Someone get the gov­’t to put a stop to this right now!

How phan­tom traf­fic jams are cre­at­ed — with video from MIT.

Phew — just bare­ly fin­ished this post in time. It’s still technically
morning :-)