Morning LInkage (Jul 21)

Short list this morning.

Piccoli Bastadi means, of course, lit­tle bas­tards. Here’s a page of
shots of lit­tle (most­ly 50cc) Italian bikes from the 70s. The siter is
in Italian but worth crawl­ing around.

Materials Science con­tin­ues to amaze me. Here is a struc­tur­al steel
beam that can be moved into place with­out cranes. (or — as implied by
the pic­tures on the front page — car­ried around by one guy with a big
smile on his face.)

Brain whacks by McLuhan. (I can take or leave — well most­ly leave
McLuhan but these are an inter­est­ing look into the mind that gave us
“the medi­um is the expres­sion” and oth­er over-used media memes.

Mental Floss has a new game. Lit Slits — which is no where as dirty as
it sounds but is an inter­est­ing way to pass a quar­ter of an hour. (For
some­one who con­sid­ers her­self quite well read — I suck at this game.)
