Charming little toy that does that glasses cleaning thing your
grandfather did when he wasn’t sure how to answer “Why is Uncle
Tommy’s head like that?”
The laptop is becoming the form factor of choice for WTF mod-ers.
A couple of retro tech links:
Grid Beam looks like a very grown up version of the Mecco or Erector Set.
Sony’s first “home” video recorder. Lipstick cams were not even a dream then.
Toy I want to give my nephew — My sister would hate me. (Caution turn
the audio down before you click play on the video.)
Shaking a full scale building is the extreme way to test earthquake
proofing. The third test in the series was done’ this morning. We’ve
missed the live webcast but you can see earlier tests and it’s likely
that a link to the video of today’s tests will be posted ASAP.
I don’t really care about electric cars. But the lead photo in this
story on the possible Mercedes gull-wing electric is one of my all
time favorite cars in a fabulous location. Yum.
Paper models with a sense of humor. I’m buying this. Right now. I love
Matt’s stuff. (Sorry there’s no URL without the paypal link)
A very sweet fabric swatch. Butterflies with lorgnettes.
Bonus lol-cat: You kids, get off my lawn indeed.
See you all Thursday,