Good morning y’all. Lots of links today, good for a slow summer
Friday. Let’s get started shall we?
More business card tomfoolery. Better than that chemistry set you had
as a kid. It’s a dark detector.
Much earlier tech. Charles Babbage and Ada Lovelace start in their own
comic (Sydney Padua is very, well just very)
The parts of sevens — seven animals…
…who can fly (but are not birds, or bugs, or bats)
…who changed history (FSVO)
Some animals, some other things. all edible. (Maybe.)
House and Home:
Massive collection of info on window film. Which besides being cool is
um, cool. Here mostly so that I can send it to one of the thousands of
(liar) people who get this via BCC.
I have chalkboard panels on the front of my fridge. It makes life in a
two person we don’t see each other while coherent for most of the week
possible. Here are two more slightly less spacious chalk boards.
For a simpler life, a to-do list I can handle. I can’t figure out if
these are for sale or not. They should be.
Taking your sprog to the grocery store. Make him earn his keep by
carrying the list. (What! $35.00)
Then you can put him to work in the kitchen. (Flat pack furniture hacking, yay)
Then while your boy is doing the dishes the girls can get on with the
important work of upsetting the balance of power.
One of the things that the larger Kindle DX has promised is access to
material that doesn’t work well in the trade paperback format that the
kindle 2 was aiming for. One I didn’t foresee is sheet music. Growing
up parts of the house were overrun with the stuff and no-one could
find their own or remember which of the huge cheater tomes contained
what. (Mr. Biggs taste in music is questionable.)
From music to pictures.
The question of photographs and reality particularly in journalism.
David W. provides a few words and a set of links to some thoughtful
The National Portrait Galley (UK) has a show that I want to see: Gay
Icons. Portraits of influential people (not all gay) chosen by a panel
of 10 influential gay people. The website shows only two of those
portraits. But the show is important enough to merit mention and I’m
going to order the catalog.
The part of 35s …
… 35 cool photography sites on the web. There goes my weekend and
illusion that I might someday have a worthy portfolio site.
… love the sparkly stars and poofing clouds and it’s all things
kitty. Happy 35th you evil beast.
’til Monday my good people. Stay safe.