Motocrosser with saddle bags? Really confusing, and cool at the same time . Watch the video, but turn the sound waaay down first.
Because I love you all so very much and you should all be as happy as the commuters in this 1958 Disney vision of the future of transportation. Really.
Tedders sent this one over. The backlash against over parenting.
Modern piracy is a business. Now with it’s own managed risk investment pools.
Rinderpest isn’t something that has ever made the headlines in the USA. A cattle disease related to measles (weird huh?) kills widely and quickly. Make that killed. Rinderpest is set to become only the second disease to be eradicated by human effort.
Cool clock and the kit/instructions for making same. Tell time with the shadows created by a center pin and LEDs. Come on y’all, Christmas break is coming up and you know you need projects.
More cool. Salt and pepper shakers that will not bore you or make anyone squeee.
Story cards. Low tech story telling. Calvino’s Castle of Crossed Destinies for the 2+ crowd.
Art and Images.
Last week was Thanksgiving and the Macy’s parade. Here are a couple of quick sketches done the day before as the balloons were being prepped.
Will Einser, one of the great ones. Golden Age Comic Book Stories brings a collection of “splash” pages to the front line.
Woolworth was never really cool. But they sure tried hard. The 1971 LP sale, as seen on TV.