Auto-topia provides tons of links to coverage of Monterrey. And this
sweet picture of a BMW Isetta 300. A few other notables in the slide
show as well. The description of the 523 Jag C‑Type as buxom is dead
Sweet 1916(?) Michelin poster. The comments are worth a read as well.
At least until they reach the inevitable BB conclusion “Duck in the
face at…”
The Visual Arts
A nice vintage photo of a cabaret cast on hols. (Pointed out by Amy
C.) Moving backwards in the pool there is a collection of banjo player
pix. No doubt why Amy was there in the first place.
David Lanham does childish (in the nicest possible way) vector art.
Navigate by clicking on the tiny favicons in the left panel. Here a
tree reacts to change from fall to winter about the way I do.
Things I don’t think I needed to know. Graffiti artists use specially
concocted spray paints manufactured by the likes of Upper Playground
and Montana. For a limited time you can order your professional
vandalism tools in these custom cans.
Literature and Booze
Yup in one post. Warren Ellis points us to the Jura Writers Retreat.
Okay the real site is here. But Warren is funnier.
If you’ve gotten as tired of the Industrial Designers “Design can save
the world” cant. You’ll like the last item in this list of things
IDers should stop doing. (Contains a naughty word)
Abstinence porn reaches a new low. Candies — the brand that’s brought
you some of the finest stripper shoes aimed at teens and twenty
somethings — uses sexy to sell, well, not having sex
Science and Animation
Students of Brown University biology prof Casey Dunn are producing
video podcasts about topics in zoology. Here’s the first, a discussion
of iridescence in squid. The topic is cool, the science is cool, the
scientists are cool, and the animation will make you giggle.‑1
that’s all for today