Morning Linkage (Aug 10)

Because it was Gather week­end. First up — a lit­tle Jack Daniels history.


Some sci­ence — there was  lot to choose from this morning.

Crows use rocks to raise the water lev­el in a con­tain­er, prov­ing that
Aesop knew what he was talk­ing about and that crows real­ly are the
coolest birds

Looking like the floor plans for one of those accret­ed french
man­sions, a more spa­tial­ly accu­rate view of the HIV genome may provide
new clues to how to defeat the virus.

I’m not sure I need a wal­let sized LED resis­tance cal­cu­la­tor but this
print, cut, and paste ver­sion may be use­ful to some of you. That this
is a home made spe­cial­ty slide rule is beyond awe­some. I miss my slide


Art and Photography

A very nice inter­pre­ta­tion of the indus­tri­al meme in jew­el­ry by “Junior ASJ

Darren Rees cre­ates the pho­tographs for many of the BMW ads. Here’s a
nice round up some of the pho­tos. No Flash. (link to port­fo­lio below)

Here’s Darren Rees port­fo­lio web­site — flash 5 required.

A rem­i­nis­cence of Mary Poppins as cre­at­ed by the Russian illustrator
Gennady Kalinovsky. This is not your par­en­t’s (or Julie Andrews) Mary
Poppins. I love her too.


Time Wasting Goodness

More musi­cians on the Muppet Show. Highlights include Los Lobos and Yo Yo Ma.

more tomor­row