Morning Linkage (Apr 27)

Some vague­ly relat­ed pho­tos from Milan Design Week. Many cool
seat­ing sur­faces. Some that I would hes­i­tate to call chairs.

Design as a pro­fes­sion is cur­rent­ly hav­ing a cri­sis of relevancy.
Trying to fig­ure out how it can val­ue to soci­ety rather than merely
add val­ue to the bot­tom line. As is the case in all such thrashes
there are extremes that make the entire exer­cise look silly.

Most cell phone apps don’t real­ly require the con­text of being on your
cell phone to make sense. This acci­dent report­ing  app from Nationwide
does a nice job of it.

David Wienberger a deep thinker about infor­ma­tion and meta-data muses
on the mud­dle of Pirate Bay. He draws no con­clu­sion. Which is, I
think, the only conclusion.

A poster for Antennasia (Japanese elec­tron­i­ca band)  that is cool the
first time you look at it and mes­mer­iz­ing the sec­ond, third, etc.

Someone else rid­ing one of my old hobby-horses. Why MBAs aren’t
qual­i­fied to actu­al­ly man­age any­thing. (Australian Broadcast Co.)
audio at the top of the page, tran­script below:

I can’t find con­fir­ma­tion of the inci­dent beyond this report:

Ospina’s account;

A pret­ty bike. (And I like the idea that Simpson Race Products has an
art director.)

Continuing the Lego-ification of the universe.