Morning Linage (Sept 7)


The Boner-Brigade Bike. Custom paint by David Gwyther, a gent more
known for his skate decks. Be sure to click on the tiny next but­ton at
the top. check out his “mus­cle bike” as well.



If the sea rose 7 meters would your house become beach front property?
An inter­ac­tive map makes is pos­si­ble for you to check out the effects
on  your neigh­bor­hood. Use the box in the upper right hand cor­ner to
set a num­ber of meters to raise the oceans.,-101.6015&z=13&m=7

Google’s PageRank algo­rithm may be use­ful in fields out­side of search.
It’s pre­dic­tive abil­i­ties may mod­el a more uni­ver­sal set of linked
behav­iors. Biologists are using it to search for the key species in
ecosys­tem extinction.

TED talk fans, here’s a spread­sheet of every TED talk published
through Sept, 2, 2009. Check out some of the ear­li­er talks that you
may have missed.


Culture and Literature

Cory Doctrow talks back to crit­ics of authors who put free eBook
ver­sions of their work on-line. C.D. and a num­ber of oth­ers have tried
it and liked their results. The late Charles Brown of Locus magazine
did­n’t like the idea and did­n’t think the var­i­ous exper­i­ments held any
mean­ing for pub­lish­ing as a whole.

A house in Houston built from the ubiq­ui­tous ship­ping con­tain­er. Not
the usu­al stacked-block Soviet dorm style. In a more con­ge­nial climate
than Seattle it would be easy to live like this.

A few notes on the ori­gin of Labor Day. Yes there were pic­nics, no you
did not get a paid holiday.



Derek Beacon’s edi­to­r­i­al illus­tra­tions are wit­ty and appealing.

Geliographic is a Russian stu­dio full of wicked­ly tal­ent­ed artists,
illus­tra­tors, and design­ers. Start with this wit­ty take on the ages
old genre of still life and con­tin­ue to explore.

These ads for Tame Ecuador Airlines make good use of the images
asso­ci­at­ed with each city to which Tame flies to pro­duce a visu­al pun
on fly­ing and appeal­ing images.

Most of us doo­dled in var­i­ous note­books dur­ing bor­ing class lectures.
Very few of us could pro­duce such a charm­ing illus­tra­tion as this
young Kuwaiti.



Continuing with the lined paper note­books theme. Cru de Ladies from
Mexico City pro­duced this ad for the icon­ic Scribe note­books. A happy
way to cel­e­brate the return of the school year.
