The Boner-Brigade Bike. Custom paint by David Gwyther, a gent more
known for his skate decks. Be sure to click on the tiny next button at
the top. check out his “muscle bike” as well.
If the sea rose 7 meters would your house become beach front property?
An interactive map makes is possible for you to check out the effects
on your neighborhood. Use the box in the upper right hand corner to
set a number of meters to raise the oceans.,-101.6015&z=13&m=7
Google’s PageRank algorithm may be useful in fields outside of search.
It’s predictive abilities may model a more universal set of linked
behaviors. Biologists are using it to search for the key species in
ecosystem extinction.
TED talk fans, here’s a spreadsheet of every TED talk published
through Sept, 2, 2009. Check out some of the earlier talks that you
may have missed.
Culture and Literature
Cory Doctrow talks back to critics of authors who put free eBook
versions of their work on-line. C.D. and a number of others have tried
it and liked their results. The late Charles Brown of Locus magazine
didn’t like the idea and didn’t think the various experiments held any
meaning for publishing as a whole.
A house in Houston built from the ubiquitous shipping container. Not
the usual stacked-block Soviet dorm style. In a more congenial climate
than Seattle it would be easy to live like this.
A few notes on the origin of Labor Day. Yes there were picnics, no you
did not get a paid holiday.
Derek Beacon’s editorial illustrations are witty and appealing.
Geliographic is a Russian studio full of wickedly talented artists,
illustrators, and designers. Start with this witty take on the ages
old genre of still life and continue to explore.
These ads for Tame Ecuador Airlines make good use of the images
associated with each city to which Tame flies to produce a visual pun
on flying and appealing images.
Most of us doodled in various notebooks during boring class lectures.
Very few of us could produce such a charming illustration as this
young Kuwaiti.
Continuing with the lined paper notebooks theme. Cru de Ladies from
Mexico City produced this ad for the iconic Scribe notebooks. A happy
way to celebrate the return of the school year.