Wired Magazine, the Cluetrain, and Synchronicity

Odd to me that I should dis­cov­er the ClueTrain Manifesto (I pre­fer to think of myself as fash­ion­ably late to the par­ty) in the same week that the lat­est of Wired mag­a­zine final­ly makes it to the top of the ought­ta read pile with it’s arti­cles about on-line open­ness. Including Clive Thompson’s The See-Through CEO with it’s painful­ly time­ly con­clud­ing para­graph. (I won’t spoil it for you.)

I’ve been cruis­ing the blogging-to-promote-your-business books for the last month or so. (short review/compro of a cou­ple in the pipe line — promise.) And of course get­ting hit with the buzzy mar­ket­ing tech­nique jive of the moment (rep­u­ta­tion man­age­ment). All of which I now real­ize are two or three step removed deriv­a­tives of the manifesto.

And I’m begin­ning to notice some­thing that I think is inevitable in the life of an idea. The deriv­a­tives drop some espe­cial­ly chal­leng­ing part of the orig­i­nal. And in doing so lose a sig­nif­i­cant part of the pow­er of the original.

The social web (for want of a bet­ter short hand) is not a mar­ket­ing tool or a medi­um. It is a place. With lots of doors and win­dows and an exten­sive sew­er sys­tem that the rats know with an inti­ma­cy that the mar­ket­ing mouseke­teers will nev­er (want to) achieve.

The time has come to revis­it the source text.
