TQR — Introductory Tutorial on Thesaurus Construction

If the­saurus con­struc­tion is some­thing that comes up only occa­sion­al­ly in the course of your work you should book­mark this tuto­r­i­al cre­at­ed by Dr. Tim Craven of Western Ontario University for his LIS students.

Eight sec­tions take you quick­ly through the basic con­cepts and con­sid­er­a­tions for build­ing a the­saurus. It’s a handy refresh­er that is soft­ware agnostic.

In fact the sec­tion head­ings would make a good out­line for a set of ques­tions to ask the soft­ware ven­dors if you are con­sid­er­ing pur­chas­ing a the­saurus man­age­ment system.

Speaking of the­saurus soft­ware, Dr. Craven also has a hand­ful of free­ware pro­grams to assist in index­ing and the­saurus con­struc­tion. I haven’t checked them out yet and so can’t offer an opinion.
