TQR — Deep Secrets of Successful Blogging

Bloggers blogging on blogging

Deep Secrets of Successful Blogging is the com­pli­ca­tion of 30 posts from April of 2007 when Chitika (a blog­ger’s adver­tis­ing net­work) held a “blog­bash” about pro­fes­sion­al blog­ging. (I’m a suck­er for pdfs, or any­thing that I can print and take away from the com­put­er and this one is nice­ly designed for the type of con­tent it offers.)

So why should I, or you, care about blog­gers blog­ging about blogging?

Look up there at the tag line and you’ll see it. “Tools, tips, and toys…” Blogging is a tool for thinking.

So I’ll save you the time to it takes to down­load and read the entire com­pi­la­tion and point you to a cou­ple of posts that will reward you for the time spent read­ing them.

First up Dan Allen’s Finding Your Direction with Google Analytics. Unless you’re writ­ing for the cat, you’ll want to know a lit­tle some­thing about who is read­ing your blog and how often. I’ve had occa­sion­al run-ins with web ana­lyt­ics on var­i­ous projects in the last cou­ple of years. Leaves my head reel­ing. This is a short and sweet intro­duc­tion to just a hand­ful of the most use­ful reports pro­vid­ed by GA. (And the imfor­ma­tion works just fine with the new ver­sion of GA.)

Next Darrren Rowse’s Help me, My mom is my blog’s only read­er. Darren does the problog­ger thing and I don’t care about 90% of what goes on in that world. This post, how­ev­er, is not about how to “go pro” but about how to find an on-line com­mu­ni­ty that fits you well, your peo­ple. The one’s who are read­ing and writ­ing and think­ing about the same things that are rat­tling your own brain cage.

Finally, Liz Strauss writes about Staying Connected: The secret to keep­ing those loy­al read­ers. She under­stands that the dia­logue between the writer and the read­ers is where the val­ue is added in blog­ging. You can dig deep­er into her thoughts on how to encour­age (and dis­cour­age) com­ments in her SOB blog. I just wish she’d bun­dle up her replies to her read­er’s com­ments. Reading her com­ments sec­tion is like watch­ing a ten­nis game — I get whiplash.


One reply on “TQR — Deep Secrets of Successful Blogging”

  1. Hi mag­pie,
    You’re right. I’ve been just com­ing to that con­clu­sion myself — about bundling my replies. Message received. Thanks for say­ing that out loud. I need­ed to hear it. :)


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